The Adventures of Django and Arya


Pet travel to Spain is subject to the rules of the European Union Pet Travel Scheme (PETS), making travelling with a pet cat or dog to Spain from another European Union (EU) country very simple. An EU Pet Passport can be used to enter Spain with your cat, dog or ferret. No need to panic if you reside in a non-EU country as the requirements for entering Spain with a pet cat or dog are clearly stipulated for countries outside the EU too. So if you’re taking your dog to Spain for a holiday soon, read on!

Pet travel to Spain from another EU country

In order to travel from another EU country to Spain, your cat, dog or ferret must have:

  • A working Microchip (in line with the technical requirements of Annex II of the EU Regulation on the movement of pets), or has a clearly readable tattoo if applied before 3 July 2011
  • been vaccinated against Rabies
  • a valid EU issued Pet Passport

Pet travel to Spain from a non-EU country

With a few exceptions, the pet travel rules to Spain from a non-EU country require your cat, dog or ferret to have:

You can also use a Pet Passport issued in one of the following countries to travel to Spain:

  • Andorra
  • Switzerland
  • Faroe Islands
  • Gibraltar
  • Greenland
  • Iceland
  • Liechtenstein
  • Monaco
  • Norway
  • San Marino
  • Vatican City State

So, if you have previously obtained a Pet Passport issued by an EU member state, or one of the above named countries, this can be used to travel to Spain with your cat, dog or ferret. Otherwise, an Animal Health Certificate is required.

Travelling to Spain with more than 5 pets

Under the rules of the EU Pet Travel Scheme (PETS), you can enter Spain with up to 5 pets as long as each pet meets the stated requirements for travel. If you are travelling to Spain with more than five pets (dogs, cats or ferrets) you must provide proof that:

  • they are participating in a competition, exhibition or sporting event (by providing for example a registration document) and
  • they are more than 6 months old

Pet-Friendly travel options to Spain by plane, train & ferry

Depending on your country of origin, there are various options for travel to Spain with a cat, dog or ferret. You’ll be pleased to know that transport choices to Spain with a pet are widely available and include airlines, ferry companies and train services.

Pet friendly airlines based in Spain include:

Travelling from the United Kingdom to Spain with a pet

As the United Kingdom (UK) is no longer part of the European Union (EU) following Brexit, the regulations for taking a cat, dog or ferret from the UK (Scotland, England, Wales & Northern Ireland) to Spain changed. This resulted in a separate rules for the countries that form Great Britain (Scotland, England & Wales) and Northern Ireland (NI). Pet travel regulations were differentiated between Scotland, England & Wales and the EU and Northern Ireland in order to avoid a ‘hard’ border post-Brexit between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland.

Some of the airlines, ferry companies and trains offering pet friendly routes directly to Spain from the United Kingdom include:

Taking a pet to Spain from Scotland, England or Wales

  1. You must have your dog, cat or ferret microchipped.
  2. Vaccinate your dog, cat or ferret against rabies – your pet must be at least 12 weeks old before they can be vaccinated.
  3. Wait 21 days after the primary vaccination before travel.
  4. Visit your vet to get an Animal Health Certificate (AHC) for your pet, no more than 10 days before travel to the EU.
  5. Tapeworm treatment if If you’re travelling with your dog directly to Finland, Republic of Ireland, Northern Ireland (NI), Norway or Malta, it must have treatment against tapeworm (Echinococcus multilocularis). Your dog will need to receive treatment 1 to 5 days before arriving in any of these countries. Your vet must enter full details on the AHC following treatment

Taking a pet to Spain from Northern Ireland (NI)

For the reasons previously mentioned, NI is subject to the same Pet Travel Scheme rules as other EU countries due to its shared border with the Republic of Ireland, an EU member state.

Pets travelling without their owner

As a rule, pets must travel with their owners; however, you may give written permission to another person to accompany your cat, dog or ferret for you. In this case, you must be reunited your pet within 5 days of their relocation.

There’s a plethora of pet friendly cities to explore in Spain, such as Barcelona with it’s pet friendly beaches, including Les Salines and Levante, Spain is a fantastic choice for a holiday with your pet cat, dog or ferret.

Flying with Pets

Comprehensive guides to flying with cats and dogs in the cabin, and in the hold as checked baggage or cargo.

Pet Friendly Ferries

Prefer sailing the seas to soaring the skies? Then check out our selection of global pet friendly ferries.

Pet Friendly Trains

Read about rail routes and pet policies for worldwide train networks.

Pet Travel Schemes

Do you need a Pet Passport, Animal Health Certificate or Import Permit for your next trip? Discover the documentations and preparations required under each country’s pet travel scheme.

Protecting Cats & Dogs

Remember to keep your pet safe from vector-borne diseases when you travel to a foreign destination.

Pet Cargo & Couriers

Discover airline cargo companies, and pet couriers to transport your cat, dog, ferret, rabbit or bird by road.

Pet Friendly Destinations

Check out our directory of worldwide pet friendly destinations

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